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Trivia Bear FAQ

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  • What does FAQ stand for?
  • Why isn't the bot keeping my score?
  • Why the website?
  • What is flooding?
  • What is IRC?
  • Where can I find an IRC client (program)?
  • What IRC Servers does the Trivia Bot use?
  • What channel/room should I join to play?
  • What are the channel/room rules?
  • How do I get auto voiced?
  • How do I become a channel operator?
  • Hey, I answered first! Why didn't get credit?
  • What do the headers mean on the Scores Page?
  • How do I report errors?
  • May I submit questions?
  • Divider
    What does FAQ stand for? (top) (bottom)
    Frequently Asked Questions
    Why isn't the bot keeping my score? (top) (bottom)
    You probaby haven't registered. Join #TriviaBear and type !register
    Why the website? Why doesn't the bot just give us our scores? (top) (bottom)
    To keep the bot from flooding and getting kicked off IRC.
    What is flooding? (top) (bottom)
    It's when an IRC client (user) sends a lot of text in a very brief period of time. IRC servers usually react to flooders by disconnecting them. The bot doesn't want to get disconnected.
    What is IRC? (top) (bottom)
    It is short of Internet Relay Chat. It's a way to chat with others over the internet. It can also be used for Trivia Bots.
    Learn more about IRC
    Where can I find an IRC client (program)? (top) (bottom)

    You can find a list of Windows IRC Clients at Stroud's CWS Apps
    You can find a list of Linux IRC Clients at M.H.'s Linux Links

    You can also play over the Web if your browser (Netscape or Internet Explorer) has Java. Following is a list of web addresses which may work. Not all have been tested.

  • www.webchat.org

  • What IRC Servers does the Trivia Bot use? (top) (bottom)
    The bot runs on the WebChat group of IRC Servers. Here is a list of some of the servers.

  • irc.webmaster.com
  • webmaster.webchat.org

  • OK, I've got the IRC Client and I've connected. What channel/room should I join to play trivia? (top) (bottom)

    On most IRC clients, the command to join is

    /join #TriviaBear

    What are the channel/room rules? (top) (bottom)
  • Be courteous to others.
  • Avoid excessive caps. It's like yelling.
  • Avoid swearing.
  • No harassment and absolutely no swearing directed at someone.
  • No unauthorized advertising.
  • No unauthorized bots.
  • Absolutely no clones or flooding (lifetime ban).
  • Don't beg for ops.
  • Don't send private messages to the bot!
  • How do I get auto voiced? (top) (bottom)
    Get 100 points in any calendar month. You get a point by correctly answering a trivia question before anyone else.
    How do I become a channel operator? (top) (bottom)
  • Act responsibly.
  • Be friendly.
  • Be helpful, especially to new players.
  • Don't ask (Let us notice you).
  • Hey, I answered first! Why didn't get credit? (top) (bottom)

    When you press the ENTER key, the text you typed is sent to every person (and the bot) in the channel (room). The transmission of this text takes time. This time is called lag.

    However, it (essentially) takes no time for the text to get from your computer to your computer.

    So, let's try an example. Let's say it takes 2 seconds for text to reach the others in the room. The bot asks a question at time Q.
    At Q + 10 seconds, someone answers the question. And then at Q + 11 seconds, you answer the question.

    Since it takes 0 seconds for a message to travel from yourself to yourself, you see your answer at Q + 11 seconds. But since the lag is 2 seconds, you won't see the other person's answer until Q + 12 seconds. It appears to you that you answered first, but you didn't. The bot sees the other person's answer at Q + 12 and your answer at Q + 13.

    Please note that I used an example of a 2 second lag. The amount of lag varies from moment to moment. Sometimes the lag is only a fraction of a second. Sometimes it is several seconds. Also the lag between you and the bot can be very different than between another person and the bot. The bot does not control IRC and can't do anything about this problem.

    What do the headers mean on the Scores Page? (top) (bottom)
  • Veterans - People who scored 1000 or more the prior month
  • Journeymen & Journeywomen - Scored from 100 through 999
  • Rookie of the Month - Scored less than 100 the prior month

  • How do I report errors? (top) (bottom)

    You may report errors via e-mail from our Contacts Page

    If you are reporting a problem with the website, please provide the URL (the http://...).

    If you are reporting a problem with the IRC trivia game, please include the question or enough of the question so that we can find it. Reporting the question # is of no value.

    If you are reporting a typo, please say which word is wrong and offer the correction.

    If you are reporting a factual error, please provide a correction, and if possible, and any supporting documentation you have (such) as the address of a website.

    May I submit questions? (top) (bottom)

    Yes, you may submit questions via e-mail from our Contacts Page

    Please submit only a few questions at a time (at least, at first). Please include your IRC nickname and 1 to 5 correct answers. Please put a vertical bar | between the question and the first answer and between each legal answer if you provide more than one answer.

    You may also include up to 5 hints per question. Please include your IRC nickname and 1 to 5 correct answers.

    If you really want to be useful, provide the questions already formatted for the Trivia Bot. One line per question. Example:

    |Lit: Who wrote "Green Eggs and Ham?" (1960)|Dr. Seuss|Theodore Seuss Geisel|Theodore Geisel|Geisel|Seuss|He also wrote "Cat in the Hat"|And "Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories"|Dr. _____|Dr. S____|Dr. Seu__|
  • Lit: (for literature) is the category.
  • Who wrote "Green....?" (1960) - is the question.
  • |Dr. Seuss| is the 1st legal answer.
  • |Theodore Seuss Geisel| is the 2nd legal answer.
  • |Theodore Geisel| is the 3rd legal answer.
  • |Geisel| is the 4th legal answer.
  • |Seuss| is the 5th legal answer.
  • |He also wrote...| is the 1st hint.
  • |And "Yertle... "| is the 2nd hint.
  • |Dr. _____| is the 3rd hint.
  • |Dr. S____| is the 4th hint.
  • |Dr. Seu__| is the 5th hint.

    The only required fields are question and the first answer. The other fields can be left blank (but the game isn't much fun without hints).

    You don't have to format your questions as above but it will save a lot of time if you do (and make it more likely that your question will be included).

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